Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ruger and Ron

The past week has settled down some. I started a new job on Monday, and Ron got his schedule changed so we have had a little more time together.  Last night we went to his surgeon appointment and after that we took advantage of happy hour.  We keep saying we want to eat better and work out, but it hasn’t happened.  After Chevy’s, we stopped  over at his mom’s house and picked up the Title to his Tahoe.  I was so proud that I even took a picture! We visited for a little while and then made a not-so-quick stop over at Just Guns to pick up the Revolver we got him for Christmas.  It’s a .357 Ruger and it is beautiful!  I don’t know if it was the margaritas I had earlier in the evening, but for some reason I thought it would be a wonderful idea to buy an AR-15 pistol.  California’s laws are changing and after this year you won’t be able to buy them.  So. We went for broke!  It’s a nice gun, and will be really fun to shoot and prepare for the end of the world.  Only kidding.  I hope!

Proud owner of his Tahoe!

Margarita mix!

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